AtCoder题解|ABC 117D XXOR
题目信息 📚
There are $N$ gems. The value of the $i$-th gem is $V_i$.
You will choose some of these gems, possibly all or none, and get them.
However, you need to pay a cost of $C_i$ to get the $i$-th gem.
Let $X$ be the sum of the values of the gems obtained, and $Y$ be the sum of the costs paid.
Find the maximum possible value of $X - Y$.
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$V_1$ $V_2$ $\ldots$ $V_n$
$C_1$ $C_2$ $\ldots$ $C_n$
Print the maximum possible value of $X - Y$.
All values in the input are integers.
- $1 \leq N \leq 20$
- $1 \leq C_i, V_i \leq 50$
10 2 5
6 3 4
13 21 6 19
11 30 6 15
题目解析 🍉
由于数据范围较小,二进制枚举所有方案也就 $2^{20} \approx 10^6$ 级别,因此可以直接DFS暴搜。
当然,这题很容易和背包问题混淆起来,实际上并没有那么复杂:贪心,求 $X - Y$ 的最大值,只要当前物品的 $V_i > C_i$ 即可。
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int N = 60;
int n, c[N], v[N];
int res = 0;
// DFS暴搜
// step表示当前已经选到第step个物品,is_select表示是否选择第step个物品
// vsum表示当前V总和,csum表示当前C总和
void dfs(int step, int is_select, int vsum, int csum) {
if (step == 21) {
res = max(res, vsum - csum);
dfs(step + 1, 0, vsum, csum);
dfs(step + 1, 1, vsum + v[step + 1], csum + c[step + 1]);
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); //cin读入优化
// 读入数据
cin >> n;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> v[i];
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> c[i];
// 不选第1个物品
dfs(1, 0, 0, 0);
// 选择第1个物品
dfs(1, 1, v[1], c[1]);
cout << res << endl;
return 0;
贪心 ✅
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int N = 60;
int n, c[N], v[N];
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); //cin读入优化
// 读入数据
cin >> n;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> v[i];
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> c[i];
// 贪心
LL sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (v[i] > c[i]) sum += (v[i] - c[i]);
cout << sum << endl;
return 0;