
AtCoder题解|ABC 111B

AtCoder题解|ABC 111B

题目信息 📚


Kurohashi has never participated in AtCoder Beginner Contest (ABC).

The next ABC to be held is ABC $N$ (the $N$-th ABC ever held). Kurohashi wants to make his debut in some ABC $x$ such that all the digits of $x$ in base ten are the same.

What is the earliest ABC where Kurohashi can make his debut?


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If the earliest ABC where Kurohashi can make his debut is ABC $n$, print $n$.


  • $100 \leq N \leq 999$
  • $N$ is an integer.





The next ABC to be held is ABC $111$, where Kurohashi can make his debut.





The next ABC to be held is ABC $112$, which means Kurohashi can no longer participate in ABC $111$. Among the ABCs where Kurohashi can make his debut, the earliest one is ABC $222$.







题目解析 🍉



(a + (b - 1)) / b * b 实现的效果和 (int)(ceil(1.0 * a / b) * b) 是一样的



using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;

int main() {
    int n;

    cin >> n;
    cout << (int) (ceil(1.0 * n / 111) * 111) << endl;
//    cout << (n + 110) / 111 * 111 << endl;

    return 0;

文章作者: Rickyの水果摊
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Rickyの水果摊 !